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The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • perform, listen to, review and evaluate music
  • learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music
  • understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated

At Heaton Park Primary we want children to express their creativity and personalities through music. Music is a huge part of every day life and we intend to give children a deeper understanding of all the contributing elements of music as well as using music as a tool to help uplift the children. We aim to give children the opportunities to increase their creativity and self confidence through music and to gain a great sense of satisfaction.


Music is taught in a fun and engaging way throughout our school, mainly using the Charanga programme. Children will focus on listening and appraising, musical activities including warm-up games, singing, playing instruments, improvisation and composition and then on to performing.

At Heaton Park Primary School, we believe it is important to base some of our music lessons on the topics we are focusing on when possible, so children are learning in a cross curricular manner and learning is embedded in an enjoyable way. Children are also given the opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument in school through Bury Music Service.

Click to download the whole school overview of the subject:

Music overview for whole school


We want children to explore a wide variety of music and be exposed to music from all different cultures and music throughout history, which will broaden their knowledge and widen their understanding of music. Children will be encouraged to talk about how different styles of music make them feel and to discuss what they like and/or dislike about many different genres of music. Children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, and gain skills needed to play music instruments, which they can use in later life. Our choir will gain experience of performing to large audiences and develop their self confidence through performance.


Click to follow link to National Curriculum Music Programmes of Study



KS2 Y3 Choir Invite Letter 2024

KS2 Choir Letter 2024

Out of School Performances:

Bury Market Arrangements 2024 Letter

Beacon Alliance Songs:

I Love My Life

Love Can Build a Bridge