At Heaton Park Primary School we aim high. We want every part of our school community- pupils, parents and members of staff to experience success. Our motto is ‘Enjoy, Aim High and Achieve.’
We ensure that every child has access to a broad, balanced and supportive curriculum. Through this we are able to give our pupils a range of opportunities and experiences to grow and develop academically, physically, socially and morally.
All National Curriculum subjects are carefully planned, structured and sequenced to ensure progression across units of work and across year groups or key stages. It is structured to help pupils remember long term the content that they have been taught and pupils are encouraged to integrate this new knowledge into larger areas. It is rooted, and has grown from, a solid agreement between all subject leaders about the knowledge and skills that our pupils will need in order to ensure that they develop resilience; growing and developing academically, physically, socially and morally. We aim to tailor our curriculum to fulfil every child’s potential. Through a curriculum that is both stimulating and challenging, we develop curiosity about the world around them and enable children to grow and develop; becoming independent, active learners.
Throughout all areas of the curriculum, reading is prioritised. Key vocabulary across subjects is prominent in classrooms and children are given access to a range of age appropriate texts across all subject areas.
There is a sharp focus on phonics for our younger pupils and support is in place for any older children who may need additional help, these may be SEND, EAL or new to country.
Throughout school we want to build in experiences our children might otherwise not have the chance to experience; trips to the beach, to theatres, forests, farms, and the amazing museums and art galleries of Manchester. We want them to experience campfires, den building, to find out what it’s like to walk up a stream. We access the wonderful parks and natural environment on our doorstep. We’ve also partnered with Springwatch and City of Trees to help develop our outstanding school grounds and contribute positively to the environment.
We learn where our local history influences the wider world throughout our curriculum. Local authors, poets and sportsmen and women are regular visitors with visits from Tony Walsh, Guy Garvey and Paralympian’s Craig McCann and Zoe Robinson and Lindsay Chapman from Springwatch.
We are proud to share that we are a very diverse school and at points we have had speakers of up to 42 different languages in school. We celebrate that our children have the opportunity to become learners of different languages, cultures, beliefs and religions and become respectful citizens.
Our children have the opportunity to learn a common language and culture through our MFL curriculum.
Underpinning all of this, all of our staff have had training in Attachment and Trauma Sensitive approaches in order to develop self-regulation and resilience to enable our children to access learning effectively.
The impact of all this is that children leave Heaton Park having achieved excellent academic standards, but also prepared as fluent, resilient, ambitious, lifelong learners ready to thrive in the next stage of their education.
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