At Heaton Park Primary School, we are very passionate about our Geography curriculum. Our children are provided with opportunities inside and outside the classroom to become knowledgeable and responsible global citizens. We want to deepen their interests and understanding of the amazing world in which we live and their place in it. Furthermore, we want to provoke and provide children with the answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world. Heaton Park Primary School aim to do this by fulfilling the National Curriculum requirements. We will deliver a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum; ensure the progressive development of geographical concepts, knowledge and skills; and for the children to develop a love of Geography.
Geography at Heaton Park Primary School is taught in blocks throughout the academic year and is usually linked to a topic. Our curriculum is designed to enable progression and build on prior knowledge and understanding. We have ensured that each class is exposed to key knowledge and skills required for their key stage, and that as our children grow and progress to the next year group, so does their Geographical understanding. We start each topic with a KWL grid which shows what the children know already and what they want to find out (to assess current knowledge as well as inform planning for pupil’s curiosity) and then this grid is revisited at the end of the topic to show what they have learnt. Any misconceptions are addressed throughout lessons and questions are used to promote different levels of thinking.
Our school understand the importance of fieldwork to enhance and embed our Geography curriculum. Therefore, each year group are exposed to outdoor learning experiences where the children can use their skills and knowledge learnt indoors to complete outdoor activities. In addition to this, each year group will go on a Geographical walk where learning is linked to the current Geography topic. Here, there will be a progression of skills built in throughout the year groups. Closely linked with P.E, we will also be looking at our mapping and orienteering skills. Each class will have 4 age appropriate and purposeful orienteering lessons planned throughout the year to compliment our Geography curriculum. These lessons are designed to enable our children to use maps and develop their mapping and orienteering skills year on year.
Each key stage has a dedicated Geography display which show the UK and the world, and these displays are linked to what the children are learning throughout the year. We want these displays to encourage curiosity and deepen their understanding of where they come from and about the wider world.
Outcomes are evident through discussion, questioning, debates, completed activities and tasks and they are linked to the National Curriculum aims for each key stage. Our curriculum ensures that as children progress through the school, they are able to develop a deep knowledge of their local area and the world in which they live. It will enable them to be confident in using maps, images, globes, atlases, data, aerial photographs and online sources, such as digimaps to find out about our planet, communicate and present their findings. Our children are provided with the knowledge on how to become responsible global citizens and how they need to care for our world.
The National Curriculum Geography programmes of study for KS1 and KS2 – National Curriculum – Geography key stages 1 to 2 (
Whole School Geography Yearly Overview 2023 – 2024
Helpful Geography links
KS1 Geography – England – BBC Bitesize
World geography for kids | National Geographic Kids (
Kids World Travel Guide | Geography for Kids | Travel Guide | Quizzes (
Continents and Countries – Easy Geography For kids
Geography for Kids. World maps and countries. (
Geography Facts For Kids – Mountains Ocean Continents Facts (
Climate change
A Guide to Climate Change for Kids | NASA Climate Kids
What is climate change: facts for kids | National Geographic Kids (
Climate Change Facts for Kids (
Mapping | National Geographic Society
Map reading skills for children | OS GetOutside (