Parents Evenings are held twice a year. At the beginning of the school year, you will be informed of your child’s targets for the coming year. A second evening is held in the Spring Term when parents can discuss their child’s progress with the teacher. Should you wish to see the class teacher at other times please make an appointment for the end of the school day. We ask parents to avoid coming into school to speak to teachers in the mornings as it is a busy time and they are getting ready for the day.
A written report discussing your child’s progress will be sent home during the Summer Term.
In addition to the summer report, we send home a ‘Be Your Best’ tracker at the end of every half term. This tracks your child’s behaviour, attendance, organisation and effort. The tracker is colour coded for you to easily see their progression throughout the year. If you have any questions regarding the tracker, please make an appointment to speak to your child’s class teacher.
If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s progress do not hesitate to come into school and discuss this with the class teacher. If you continue to have concerns please make an appointment to see the Key Stage Leaders, Special Educational Needs and Disability coordinator, the Deputy Head or the Headteacher.