It is of the utmost importance that we are kept fully up to date with any issues relating to your child’s health. Even small concerns can affect a child’s performance or attendance. If there any changes to the details you gave us when your child started at Heaton Park, please don’t hesitate to pass them on the staff in the general office. This includes information such as contact details and your GP.
We have close links with various medical practitioners who carry out health checks at school and can advise on a range of medical issues. We work closely with the School Nurse Service and they can advise school and parents about any medical concerns they may have.
When a child has been prescribed an asthma inhaler by a GP, one inhaler must be kept in school and kept up to date. It is the parent’s responsibility to regularly check the date of expiry on their child’s inhaler. They are kept in the child’s class so that the child can get to it quickly, if the need arises. Parents must ensure that their child knows how to use their inhaler correctly.
Please find a copy of the asthma policy:
We ask that a parent comes into school to give their child any medication that needs to be taken through the day. Only in extreme circumstances will we agree to administer prescription drugs. If your child has an ongoing condition and needs emergency medication if there is an incident, the staff in school will be given the necessary training and will then be able to administer the medication, such as Epipens and rescue medication for epilepsy. Children must never bring medicines into school that we do not know about, they must always be handed in for safe keeping.
Please find attached a copy of the medical consent form: