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Telephone: 0161 773 9554

Year 4

In Year 4, we support children in building up their independence and resilience towards learning, which includes earning a pen licence! We have lots of fascinating topics to learn about this year, such as Electricity, Dragons, Early Settlers, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings – with many interesting stories throughout!

We keep our bodies healthy in PE and learn about important topics in PSHE to keep our minds healthy too.

Year 4 offers a very exciting trip to Ashworth Valley to partake in various outdoor activities, a Bearded Dragon visitor to enhance our learning in our Dragons topic, and of course we go swimming!

Curriculum Plans – download

KS2 Yearly Overview Year 4

Autumn 1 Curriculum

Autumn 2 Curriculum

Spring 1 Curriculum

Spring 2 Curriculum

Summer 1 Curriculum

Summer 2 Curriculum



Miss Higginbotham

Miss Woolfenden



Miss A Waterhouse

Miss D Moran



Miss Carpen



Year 4 Autumn 1 Electricity Homework

Y4 Autumn 2 Water and Author Homework


Letters & Events:

Welcome to Year 4

Y4 Electricity Workshop Letter

Heaton Park Letter

Art 3D model letter

Party letter

Swimming letter 4H 24-25

Swimming letter 4W 24-25

Swimming Reminder letter 4H 24-25

Year 4 Spring 1 Anglo-Saxon Homework